Tuesday 23 October 2012

11th October Workshop; Reflection.

In the first workshop I learnt about teen representations. We looked at how the presentation of a DVD cover effects the audience that decide to buy it. Teenage actors are used in films, with the target audience of teens because this allows the teens to relate more to the character they are portraying.
Looking at two different DVD covers; 'Kidulthood' and 'Mean Girls' we saw a contrast in both of these DVD covers but they both appealed and had the target audience for teenagers. Colours and the actors that were on the covers made it easy for us to decide which gender the covers were intended for. Given a storyline for a film called 'Social Notworking' we worked in groups of four to create a DVD cover for the film; whilst doing this we learnt how the positioning of different characters can have different effects for what the target audience sees. 

In the second workshop that we done we were focusing on the skills of continuity editing. We were shown a bad clip that the visitors had put together and we were asked to point out the bad editing skills within it. They taught us 5 different techniques. Establishing shot, 180* shot, action match, 30* shot/jump cut and shot reverse. We were then given the task to use our continuity skills to edit the shots they had done to make the clip continual. This task was enjoyable because we got to play around with the clips and put them in an order that we wanted to whilst also learning how to develop our continuity editing skills.

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